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Rochas Okorocha’s Ministry for Happiness and the Animal Farm Called Nigeria by Reno Omokri

Read Reno's new article underneath

"Rochas Okorocha, a man who has spent more cash on statues than he has on living people has now named his natural sister as "Chief for Happiness and Couples' Fulfillment". What sin did Imo individuals resolve to merit this humiliation as their Governor?

What's more, this Rochas, a man that so needs his kin to be glad that he makes a service for satisfaction for them by the by defers their pay rates and annuities. What's more, when his unpaid specialists and retired people take to keke-riding to increase their salary, he bans that as well. Clearly, Rochas has sufficiently given statues to make them cheerful!

Furthermore, the purported official for bliss is definitely not a glad camper. One could even approach whether she is magistrate for bliss or official for ANGER? Her open remarks since her arrangement venture RAGE as opposed to bliss. Maybe she ought to have been influenced Imo To state's official for Defense?

To each despondent Nigerian, don't stress. Joy entices as Rochas Okorocha has reported that he will challenge for President at whatever point President Buhari's residency of despondency closes.

Notwithstanding, with this current scene in the emotional existence of Rochas, I am left with minimal decision however to infer that Rochas Okorocha is an ideal case of why all competitors to high workplaces in Nigeria ought to submit themselves for mental assessment before being allowed to challenge.

Be that as it may, returning to reality however, these are the sorts of stories you hope to see being sensationalized in seriously composed Nollywood motion pictures of the Idumota assortment. Presently I comprehend what individuals mean when they say that regardless of how abnormal fiction is, the truth is regularly more interesting than fiction.

Senator Okorocha and the All Progressives Congress have demonstrated such momentous cluelessness that even I, a resistance government official, am embarrassed for them, in light of the fact that clearly, they have no ability to feel disgrace.

Going ahead the foot rear areas of Okorocha's joke of an administration, we were entertained by the Presidency with the news that President Buhari had 'authorized' the arrival of 500 detainees of Kano Central Prison.

I kid you not! Truth be told, the tweet by the President's representative peruses as takes after (and this is an immediate statement):

"President @MBuhari commissions the arrival of 500 detainees acquitted by Kano State Government at the Kurmawa jail. #PMBinKano."

Clearly, the representative, Bashir Ahmad, does not show at least a bit of kindness for his activity, since he erased the tweet from his TL on @BashirAhmaad after he got pilloried by irate Nigerians.

In any case, what has Nigeria done to merit such pioneers? Pioneers who major on the minor and minor on the major.

Not exclusively did it take President Muhammadu Buhari perpetually to react to the appalling treatment of Nigerians and other Sub-Saharan Africans in Libya, the President double-crossed his profound obliviousness of the situation in Nigeria when he communicated marvel at what Nigerians would do in Libya.

President Buhari said he is pitiful that Nigerians are being sold like goats in Libya. He probably overlooked that his armed force murdered 347 Nigerian Shiite men, ladies, youngsters and newborn children, at that point covered them in a mass grave like goats. Has he done anything to the individuals who submitted that demonstration? So how is he superior to the Libyans?

The President inquired as to why Nigerian go to Libya. What decision do they have? Is it accurate to say that they are more secure in Nigeria than in Libya?

In the event that Boko Haram does not butcher them, herders will slaughter them. On the off chance that SARS doesn't shoot them, the head of armed force staff may send them to the considerable past for obstructing his course. On the off chance that APC does not complete them with joblessness, APC will complete them by expanding the cost of petroleum, electric and sustenance. Furthermore, regardless of whether you folks have employments, your APC Governor may like to utilize your compensations to erect statues for pioneers of removed grounds. On the off chance that the greater part of that does not occur, criminals are there to satisfy all uprightness. Along these lines, Mr. President, kindly don't ask such a conspicuous inquiry!

A significant number of the individuals who are really influencing the unsafe trip to Europe through the Sahara to betray by means of Libya have a place with those depicted by President Buhari as the disfavoured 5%.

In the wake of having been advised by the man to whom they turned upward to for initiative that they were not his needs, would it be a good idea for anyone to be amazed that individuals from the South-south and South-east started looking at?

Furthermore, discussing authority, in the event that you need to know the contrast between a pioneer and a merchant, you should simply contrast President Uhuru Kenyatta's inaugural discourse and that of President Buhari. To help you, I have cited the important segments underneath:

"I attempt to be the attendant of the goals of both the individuals who voted in favor of me and the individuals who did not"- President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Presently contrast it and the accompanying,

"The constituents who gave me 97% can't in all trustworthiness be dealt with on a few issues with voting public that gave me 5%"- President Muhammadu Buhari.

Presently inquire as to whether you will see a future for yourself in Nigeria in the event that you are from "the bodies electorate that gave me 5%"?

What's more, that is the reason they are voting with their feet. Indeed, to a significant number of them, Operations Python Dance and Crocodile Smile were the straw that broke the camel's back.

A considerable lot of these tolerant Nigerians had noticed that even where there was across the board killings and demolition by herders and other 'crooks' (in Buhari's Nigeria, you are just a psychological militant in the event that you are from the 5%). In the 97% territories, no military operations were released there.

There is a considerable measure I can expound on the better than ever Federal Republic of Nigeria under the authority of President Muhammadu Buhari, yet let me end by citing the finish of George Orwell's Animal Farm:

"The animals outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man once more; however as of now it was difficult to state which was which."

Reno's Nuggets

The main thing it should cost you to lay down with a lady is love trailed by marriage. For whatever length of time that it cost you cash to lay down with a lady, she is a whore, regardless of whether you rebrand her better half or fianceé. That is the reason you ought to never wed a Slay Queen. At the point when remove interferes with you and your Slay Queen, she will discover another Wallet King. Be that as it may, when remove separates you and a genuine Pray Queen, she will discover another approach to contact you #RenosNuggets.

Statement: To each troubled Nigerian, don't stress. Joy coaxes as Rochas Okorocha has reported that he will challenge for President at whatever point President Buhari's residency of despondency closes. In any case, with this current scene in the emotional existence of Rochas, I am left with minimal decision however to reason that Rochas Okorocha is an ideal case of why all applicants to high workplaces in Nigeria ought to submit themselves for mental assessment before being allowed to challenge

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